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An advanced form builder for Umbraco.

Include JavaScript

If you’ve followed the instructions to render a form, you will have a line that includes the JavaScript for the Responsive Bootstrap Angular template:

<script src="/App_Plugins/formulate/responsive.bootstrap.angular.js"></script>

However, depending on your needs, there are alternatives, which you can read about below.

Alternative #1: Minified JavaScript

Also included with Formulate is a minified version of the RBA template. You can include it like so:

<script src="/App_Plugins/formulate/responsive.bootstrap.angular.min.js"></script>

Because this JavaScript is minified, you will not be able to read it as clearly as you would the unminified version.

Alternative #2: Modular JavaScript

If you are using a task runner like Grunt, you can use Browserify to include Formulate’s modular JavaScript into your compiled JavaScript. Assuming you are using Grunt, you can start by using grunt-browserify. You may also want to use browserify-shim in order to skip Angular and Lodash during the browserification process.

The browserification process should point to the file, ~/App_Plugins/formulate/templates/responsive.bootstrap.angular/index.js. This file references the remainder of the JavaScript files necessary for the RBA template to work.

Once the modular JavaScript has been combined into a single file with Browserify, you can further use grunt-ng-annotate and grunt-contrib-uglify to minify it.